Monday, July 09, 2007

"Server side Ajax" is just equivalent to dataset (or, stored procedure), they are all dirty words from M$

I suddenly realize that Javascript is literally the java within M$. As a result, typical M$ developers are not good at it; and further, they are not prepared for it.

It is amazing. A few years ago, “do you do some javascript” is a tricky interview question – it is tricky, because if your answer is too good, then, you will not be recruited, because that means you are not a serious programmer, just a javascript web designer. Now, “do you do some javascript” is a real question, it points out whether the asp developer is just yet-another-VB-type, or, a serious programmer. If you know some javascript, it means you know some “low level stuff” – my goodness, asp turns javascript into low level stuff!!

Browsers are OS, ActiveX are device drivers, Javascript is perl: if you do not know javascript, you are nobody in web2 world.

Flash/flex proved that javascript is powerful. The server side approach of Asp Ajax tries to hid it; it is very bad. I hope the client side approach will take off soon. Client side Asp Ajax (i.e., “pure ajax”) plus silverlight – that is the way to go.

This leads to another issue. I believe some M$ people know this also. However, they always have some party line, saying "each way has its niche, bla bla", even some very smart people. So, it is very crucial you know that server side Ajax is just equivalent to dataset (or, stored procedure), they are all dirty words from M$.


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