Sunday, October 05, 2008

Problem Solving Areas (PSAs), Problem Solving Lean Process (PSLP), Analysis/Design/Coding/Testing and General Problem Solving

Problem Solving Areas (PSAs), Problem Solving Lean Process (PSLP), Analysis/Design/Coding/Testing and General Problem Solving

Ya, you may say that all this blog is about names; but good names indicate the maturity of a theory.

1. I changed the 8 core "techniques" into 8 core "Problem Solving Areas (PSAs). See the 8 PSAs at the bottom of the blog.

2. In this blog, I changed the process name into “problem solving lean process”: it is a lean process, with problem solving in its focus.

3. I retreat from my noble fighting with “Analysis/Design/Coding/Testing”; now, I believe it is a paraphrase or a parallel mechanism of the “problem solving process”: thinking about problems, a theory, solve issues in the theory, and experiments for the theory. By doing this, I have “saved” the analysis/design/coding/testing, and, more importantly, saved myself from craziness! As a result of this realization, on the one hand, I am now a big fan of the micros-waterfall, because it is the same micro-mechanism of any problem solving processes. On the other hand, I do believe the micro-waterfall is flexible, any step of this micro-waterfall reflects the whole – for example, in analysis, there is testing already.

---------------------------8 PSAs

1. "OR mapping" (including "UOW", Unit of Work, equiv. to Siebel's BO)
2. ("O") "entity": rules in entities, rules engine(******), scripting in entities
3. ("U") "Web2 UI": ("ActiveX" and "Ajax")
4. "Data Binding" ("OU mapping")

5. "transaction" (and non-transaction, with "facsades" and "workflows") (business service and workflows, tasks. Also here: "unit testing" ******)

6. "networking (at application level, as "connected applications")"
--i. async and sync EAI (background) "messaging" for integration and need "user push notification" (activities or an area on every screen)
--ii. batch EIM
--iii. offline web client
--iv. reporting server
7. "logging (that is runtime-configurable)"
8. "security"("authorization" and "authentication")


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