Sunday, November 23, 2008

Read, baby, read

It is toward the end of the year, holidays are approaching!

Looking back, since the end of last year, I have been carrying out my resolution of the journey of going out the box of the software process (being it UP or TDD), and back to the richness of life.

More readings, not just outside the readings of MS technologies, or, Siebel technologies, or, Unix, Internet. Much more than that. Reading is nice, it is like watching TV or go to theaters or movies. Reading does not need to be a burden, even for non-fictional readings.

Software engineering is not a "field" or "discipline", it is an inter-disciplinary area. Do not let those process fool you. You can get more useful techniques in philosophy of science (and other areas) than in those theories of software processes.

Expand our readings. Read, baby, read.

Another site that with similar recommedatoin of readings.

It seems that "testers" are deep thinkers, shame on "project managers", "analysts", "architect", "developers", and "programmers"! -- of course, I am NOT a tester, so, I do not really care about the testing specific things.

Systems Thinking
Quality Software Management, Vol. 1: Systems Thinking
1991, Gerald M. Weinberg
An Introduction to General Systems Thinking
1975, Gerald M. Weinberg
Secrets of Consulting: A Guide to Giving and Getting Advice Successfully
1986, Gerald M. Weinberg
General Principles of Systems Design
1988, Gerald M. Weinberg, Daniela Weinberg

Tools of Critical Thinking
David A.Levy, 1997
Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design
1989, Don Gause, Gerald M. Weinberg
How to Solve It
1945, George Polya
How to Read and Do Proofs
1990, Daniel Solow

Ways People Think and Learn
Cognition in the Wild
1996, Edwin Hutchins
Thinking and Deciding
1994, Jonathan Baron
Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step
1990, Ed De Bono
The Social Life of Information
2000, John Seely Brown, Paul Duguid
Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine
1993, Donald Norman

Scientific Thinking
The Sciences of the Artificial, 3rd Ed.
1996, Herbert A. Simon
Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge
1992, Karl Popper
Theory and Evidence: The Development of Scientific Reasoning
1996, Barbara Koslowski
Abductive Inference: Computation, Philosophy, Technology
1996, John R. Josephson, Susan G. Josephson
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
1999, Richard Feynman
Science as a Questioning Process
1996, Nigel Sanitt
Administrative Behavior, 4th ed.
1997, Herbert Simon

Software Testing
Testing Computer Software
1992, Cem Kaner, Hung Quoc Nguyen, Jack Falk
Software Testing: A Craftman's Approach
1995, Paul C. Jorgensen
Bad Software: What to Do When Software Fails
1999, Cem Kaner, David Pels

Example of an Implicit Specification
The Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design
1995, Microsoft

Teamwork and Communication in a Technical Team
Quality Software Management, Vol. 3: Congruent Action
1994, Gerald M. Weinberg