Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Using Extjs Grids; YUI: separation of UI and Entity/Facade by using JSON, separation of HTML, CSS, and Javascripts; JQuery: chaining sugar coating

1. The three screencasts are the best (the screen is not clear, and seems that when I play them, they stopped about 80% -- enough though). You can download the source code for the 2nd and 3rd.


2. only one written tutorial worth reading:


3. The community is very active. It also has google search with it, very convenient.

At the bottom of the page: http://extjs.com/learn/

I used it to get the info for using it with asp.net ajax extension. Excellent.

4. The time on YUI is definitely worth it – it has similar style with YUI (it grew out of it, so no surprise there). Any deep (architecture ideas etc.) stuff, we need go back to YUI. Among all those javascripts, only YUI has an easy and yet very good structure (because of its java heritage, obviously---- what is it? ---- separation of UI and Entity/Facade by using JSON, separation of HTML, CSS, and Javascripts).
----(also because of its java heritage! -- the dark side of it!) YUI only misses the syntax sugar coating of chaining that JQuery does best; however, Ext has some of it.
----with aptana's intellisense, the long names are fine actually!

5. I am coding my code based on the three examples on 1 and 2 now. The fun begins ;-)


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