spring is in -- I know, it is summer now
Note that java spring is extremely popular, which means powerful. It certainly has some hype saying that spring.net can leverage that power; however, I do see the strong possibility, and I am willing to bet my money on it – I will invest my time and my credibility on it now – there is always some risk in vesting technology, we all do that all the time. Before, CSLA is my half-hearted focus, I just “borrow” something here and there from spring and castle. From now on, spring is my focus, and since spring is so beautiful, I will not be half-hearted anymore. I will let it to steal my heart!
--------------------long quote from the above, I hope it is reasonable use:
As for commercial adoption, we are seeing quite a bit of interest from large companies on Wall Street, as well as from some of the well-known Oil&Gas companies in Europe and the US. Some of these companies are existing Spring users that are looking to cross-train developers. This makes a Spring/Spring.NET combination very interesting due to the fact the programming model is preserved across the platforms. Others are .NET shops looking to simplify their development, period. We've been contacted by a Spring.NET user from a well-known international Oil&Gas company telling us that they are using Spring.NET as a foundation of their enterprise-wide development platform. This really gets us jazzed.
Oracle Consulting is using the Spring.NET data access framework on their projects, and there was some interest both from them and a few other consulting companies for Spring.NET training.
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